I have been watching with some great interest the Political Debate in the Nation for the past several months. As an American, I am proud that we not only have the first African American Presidential Candidate who has a real chance to win the Presidency, but we also have a Woman who has a legitimate chance to punch a hole through the last and greatest ceiling in America. This truly is a historical event. With that in mind, I will say that anyone who would submit themselves and their families for the massive media scrutiny and attack that has become an earmark of the Presidential election apparatus should be recognized as a hero --just for running.
But for me, the election is not one of ideology or political party--but one of Biblical issues. This election is not about race, or gender, but one of evil and good--one of right and wrong for the followers of the Lord Jesus Christ. The Lord calls His Servants to reflect His Word in the earth; not race, gender or political ideology. The case in this election is a very clear one; it is a choice between casual Christianity and firmly holding to the teachings of the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob: Jesus Christ.
4000 future Nobel Laureates are currently murdered each day in this nations abortion mills, and Planned Parenthood was recently exposed in Kansas City by a reporter that called up their executive offices pretending to be a possible donor. The reporter asked the unwitting staff of Kansas Cities Planned Parenthood Chapter if He could chose the "RACE" of the Children he would be paying the abortions for; and just so there in no confusion here--the reporter asked to the Planned Parenthood Staffer if he made a significant donation to Planned Parenthood in Kansas City--could he request that his money only go to paying for the Abortions of "BLACK CHILDREN ONLY" to which the Planned Parenthood Staffer replied without missing a beat--a resounding and horrifying "YES!" So this is how far we have come--Social Genocide of African Americans--and right in the United States of America…God FORBID! But was this reported on mainstream media--unfortunately no.
But on the Abortion question we are told that it is not a matter of the "murder" of our future Children, but of a women's "privacy" that is the question. 4000 future Doctors, who could hold God's key to solving Cancer, Aids and any number of maladies that people suffer with are being snuffed out by people who are more concerned with vote totals than the life of future Americans. We seem to hate negative politics, but we support murder by our votes--and we wonder why our nation is slipping deeper and deeper into the moral abyss that makes us need "Chips" for our Televisions to protect children from the moral terrorism that comes into the home of average born-again Christians throughout the United States. From Wallstreet to Main street--people who are older than 30 are longing for a time when parents raised children--and not a village; where Abortion was murdering the unborn; and not a privacy issue that is painted to being akin to whether or not I decide to close my blinds in my home--or have and expectation of "Big-Brother" reading my emails. This alarming trend has happened while the Church has been asleep in the light--and snoring behind the wheel.
Just last week the "World Council of Churches" had a dinner in "Honor" of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad--the rising Hitler of our Generation. People claiming to have the Spirit of Jesus Christ living within them--through a dinner saluting a man who desires to kill the Lord's chosen people--the Nation of Israel. The reason that Jews have never really believed that Jesus is the long awaited Messiah is because those who claim that "He Lives" are standing in arms with those who desire to see Jews driven from the face of the earth. This is nothing knew; ever since the Catholic cooptation of the Gospel that was taught by the Jewish followers of Jesus, pogrom after pogrom, murder after murder, inquisition after inquisition has been done in the name of the One sent to die for the sins of all mankind-including the Jews. This disturbing pattern has continued until the death camps that saw some many Jews murdered in gas chamber after gas chamber--had a sign that hung over the entrance of the gas chamber in a camp called "Auschwitz;" now what makes this so heinous, is what the sign said………….sickly--it read "Remember, Jesus Loves You and Work Will Set You Free" as Jew after Jew was rushed in shivering in the European cold to be murdered. This same spirit is alive and well today--the spirit of apathy that has taken over the Church and this false "love" that would accept a Terrorist like the president of Iran.
In this election, there is a candidate that is close friends with the Palestinian Academics that have become a scourge on our College Campuses. There is a candidate that approves of killing 4000 future Americans per day while turning a "Deaf Ear" and a "Blind Eye" to the screams of the little ones that hold the key to our future. Each soul that the Heavenly Father sends to earth has a mission to help to create what Jews call "Tikkun L'Olam" or "The Restoration of All Things." The thought behind this is that each of us has an obligation to make this earth a better place than the place that it was before we arrived here; a better place that is more reflective of God's love in the earth. How is God's love portrayed when our politicians "Wink" at the death of 4000 innocent children a day--and want to appoint Judges who turn a blind eye as well? How are God's thoughts reflected when one candidate lies to the leaders of Israel while making deals with Palestinian Terrorists--with promises to divide a sovereign Nations Capital City? How can born-again believers vote for a candidate that would willingly sit down with a Terrorist who wishes to kill all of God's chosen people the Jews--and then lie to the nation about it? Is it God's actions that are being promoted or the enemy of God that is wishing to control our once great nation?
Academics are fine, and differing views are fine, but those who desire to take a position that is in direct opposition to the Word of God--the most basic of His foundational covenantal commandments--"THOU SHALL NOT KILL" and then a more recent update "LET THE LITTLE CHILDREN COME UNTO ME;" how can the Children come--if they are being aborted at a rate of 4000 per day in the United States alone? Brothers and Sisters, this election is not about the economy--and not about Afghanistan--Iraq or even Israel. This election is about life and death--blessing and cursing. We have stood by for far too long and allowed prayer to be taken out of Schools, Bible Clubs forbidden on High School Campuses around the nation and the God of the Universe to be ignored.
As a Minister, I cannot endorse any political candidate; however, I will just say to anyone who is reading this posting that the choice for born-again believers should be a clear one. One candidate espouses to make permanent the Abortion of millions of future American Children, and one does not. One candidate has dinner with Palestinian Terrorists, and one does not. One candidate is seeking to appoint Supreme Court Justices that will uphold Rowe v. Wade and one does not. One candidate is a staunch Ally of Israel and has been for many years, and one is not. Today in America, everyone and everything is a "Christian;" it has become quasi-sheik to be a "Christian" and so many people do--and politicians have learned that real born-again believers vote… they have become "Christians" but in this upcoming election, there is only one ticket that has a staunch pro-life agenda; and the other does not.
I will not tell anyone who to vote for, but I can only agree with the words of Rev. John Hagee when he stated so eloquently, "We need to vote the Bible;" and my friends--the Bible is very clear on the ticket that we should support. This is a spiritual test of enormous proportions. If you vote based on race, then you have chosen race over the Bible; if you vote because of gender, then you have chosen gender over the Bible. Born-again servants of the living God cannot vote to support "death" even if it is wrapped up in exciting speeches and hidden behind the notion that race and gender trump the commandments of the Bible. Be aware that if you vote for people who are "pro-abortion" or "women's privacy" then you have aligned yourself with the very hands that commit the acts.
It is a time for Christians of every flavor to be "Strong and Courageous" and not fall prey to the gender and racial aspects of the election and not fall into the fear of the economic crash. No--our position as people of the living God must be clear--we must vote the Bible and if we do not--then we have no right to complain about the actions that will follow; race and gender do not bring forth life--only the Word of God brings forth life……..Jesus IS the Word of God and He adamantly stated "LET THE LITTLE CHILDREN COME UNTO ME--FOR THEIRS IS THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN." Choose this day who you will serve--but as for me and my house--we will serve the Lord, and will vote accordingly.
I have been watching with some great interest the Political Debate in the Nation for the past several months. As an American, I am proud that we not only have the first African American Presidential Candidate who has a real chance to win the Presidency, but we also have a Woman who has a legitimate chance to punch a hole through the last and greatest ceiling in America. This truly is a historical event. With that in mind, I will say that anyone who would submit themselves and their families for the massive media scrutiny and attack that has become an earmark of the Presidential election apparatus should be recognized as a hero --just for running.
But for me, the election is not one of ideology or political party--but one of Biblical issues. This election is not about race, or gender, but one of evil and good--one of right and wrong for the followers of the Lord Jesus Christ. The Lord calls His Servants to reflect His Word in the earth; not race, gender or political ideology. The case in this election is a very clear one; it is a choice between casual Christianity and firmly holding to the teachings of the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob: Jesus Christ.
4000 future Nobel Laureates are currently murdered each day in this nations abortion mills, and Planned Parenthood was recently exposed in Kansas City by a reporter that called up their executive offices pretending to be a possible donor. The reporter asked the unwitting staff of Kansas Cities Planned Parenthood Chapter if He could chose the "RACE" of the Children he would be paying the abortions for; and just so there in no confusion here--the reporter asked to the Planned Parenthood Staffer if he made a significant donation to Planned Parenthood in Kansas City--could he request that his money only go to paying for the Abortions of "BLACK CHILDREN ONLY" to which the Planned Parenthood Staffer replied without missing a beat--a resounding and horrifying "YES!" So this is how far we have come--Social Genocide of African Americans--and right in the United States of America…God FORBID! But was this reported on mainstream media--unfortunately no.
But on the Abortion question we are told that it is not a matter of the "murder" of our future Children, but of a women's "privacy" that is the question. 4000 future Doctors, who could hold God's key to solving Cancer, Aids and any number of maladies that people suffer with are being snuffed out by people who are more concerned with vote totals than the life of future Americans. We seem to hate negative politics, but we support murder by our votes--and we wonder why our nation is slipping deeper and deeper into the moral abyss that makes us need "Chips" for our Televisions to protect children from the moral terrorism that comes into the home of average born-again Christians throughout the United States. From Wallstreet to Main street--people who are older than 30 are longing for a time when parents raised children--and not a village; where Abortion was murdering the unborn; and not a privacy issue that is painted to being akin to whether or not I decide to close my blinds in my home--or have and expectation of "Big-Brother" reading my emails. This alarming trend has happened while the Church has been asleep in the light--and snoring behind the wheel.
Just last week the "World Council of Churches" had a dinner in "Honor" of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad--the rising Hitler of our Generation. People claiming to have the Spirit of Jesus Christ living within them--through a dinner saluting a man who desires to kill the Lord's chosen people--the Nation of Israel. The reason that Jews have never really believed that Jesus is the long awaited Messiah is because those who claim that "He Lives" are standing in arms with those who desire to see Jews driven from the face of the earth. This is nothing knew; ever since the Catholic cooptation of the Gospel that was taught by the Jewish followers of Jesus, pogrom after pogrom, murder after murder, inquisition after inquisition has been done in the name of the One sent to die for the sins of all mankind-including the Jews. This disturbing pattern has continued until the death camps that saw some many Jews murdered in gas chamber after gas chamber--had a sign that hung over the entrance of the gas chamber in a camp called "Auschwitz;" now what makes this so heinous, is what the sign said………….sickly--it read "Remember, Jesus Loves You and Work Will Set You Free" as Jew after Jew was rushed in shivering in the European cold to be murdered. This same spirit is alive and well today--the spirit of apathy that has taken over the Church and this false "love" that would accept a Terrorist like the president of Iran.
In this election, there is a candidate that is close friends with the Palestinian Academics that have become a scourge on our College Campuses. There is a candidate that approves of killing 4000 future Americans per day while turning a "Deaf Ear" and a "Blind Eye" to the screams of the little ones that hold the key to our future. Each soul that the Heavenly Father sends to earth has a mission to help to create what Jews call "Tikkun L'Olam" or "The Restoration of All Things." The thought behind this is that each of us has an obligation to make this earth a better place than the place that it was before we arrived here; a better place that is more reflective of God's love in the earth. How is God's love portrayed when our politicians "Wink" at the death of 4000 innocent children a day--and want to appoint Judges who turn a blind eye as well? How are God's thoughts reflected when one candidate lies to the leaders of Israel while making deals with Palestinian Terrorists--with promises to divide a sovereign Nations Capital City? How can born-again believers vote for a candidate that would willingly sit down with a Terrorist who wishes to kill all of God's chosen people the Jews--and then lie to the nation about it? Is it God's actions that are being promoted or the enemy of God that is wishing to control our once great nation?
Academics are fine, and differing views are fine, but those who desire to take a position that is in direct opposition to the Word of God--the most basic of His foundational covenantal commandments--"THOU SHALL NOT KILL" and then a more recent update "LET THE LITTLE CHILDREN COME UNTO ME;" how can the Children come--if they are being aborted at a rate of 4000 per day in the United States alone? Brothers and Sisters, this election is not about the economy--and not about Afghanistan--Iraq or even Israel. This election is about life and death--blessing and cursing. We have stood by for far too long and allowed prayer to be taken out of Schools, Bible Clubs forbidden on High School Campuses around the nation and the God of the Universe to be ignored.
As a Minister, I cannot endorse any political candidate; however, I will just say to anyone who is reading this posting that the choice for born-again believers should be a clear one. One candidate espouses to make permanent the Abortion of millions of future American Children, and one does not. One candidate has dinner with Palestinian Terrorists, and one does not. One candidate is seeking to appoint Supreme Court Justices that will uphold Rowe v. Wade and one does not. One candidate is a staunch Ally of Israel and has been for many years, and one is not. Today in America, everyone and everything is a "Christian;" it has become quasi-sheik to be a "Christian" and so many people do--and politicians have learned that real born-again believers vote… they have become "Christians" but in this upcoming election, there is only one ticket that has a staunch pro-life agenda; and the other does not.
I will not tell anyone who to vote for, but I can only agree with the words of Rev. John Hagee when he stated so eloquently, "We need to vote the Bible;" and my friends--the Bible is very clear on the ticket that we should support. This is a spiritual test of enormous proportions. If you vote based on race, then you have chosen race over the Bible; if you vote because of gender, then you have chosen gender over the Bible. Born-again servants of the living God cannot vote to support "death" even if it is wrapped up in exciting speeches and hidden behind the notion that race and gender trump the commandments of the Bible. Be aware that if you vote for people who are "pro-abortion" or "women's privacy" then you have aligned yourself with the very hands that commit the acts.
It is a time for Christians of every flavor to be "Strong and Courageous" and not fall prey to the gender and racial aspects of the election and not fall into the fear of the economic crash. No--our position as people of the living God must be clear--we must vote the Bible and if we do not--then we have no right to complain about the actions that will follow; race and gender do not bring forth life--only the Word of God brings forth life……..Jesus IS the Word of God and He adamantly stated "LET THE LITTLE CHILDREN COME UNTO ME--FOR THEIRS IS THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN." Choose this day who you will serve--but as for me and my house--we will serve the Lord, and will vote accordingly.
1 comment:
This really blessed me, this is a great outlook to this whole thing, I am having a hard time deciding who I should vote for, actually i wasn't even going to vote this time around, accept for to vote on the Prop. 8 here in california, but after reading this I think I might continue to pray about it and strongly consider voting now. Thank you for your insight here.
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