Wednesday, October 8, 2008


Okay, now that I have your attention....I really was impressed this morning in my prayer time that this Global Financial Meltdown will continue with huge ripples throughout the World. Should this continue I believe that we will be able to see the beginning of the rise to power of the Anti-Christ.

Think about, tonight at sundown starts the great fast called "Yom Kippur" or the "Day of Atonement." Jews worldwide will be repenting for the last years failures, and Christians will be applying the blood of Yeshua to our interactions over the last year. This culminates the 10 days of Awe--or the 10 days that Jews and Christians believers take to reflect on the past year; it begins with Rosh Hashana and ends on Yom Kippur.

What makes this important is that when Yeshua came the first time in fulfillment of Isaiah's prophecy in Chapter 53--He fulfilled all the Spring Feasts of Israel....He IS our Passover Lamb, and he Is our Unleavened Bread, and He IS our Shavuot--our Day of Pentecost. Yeshua's promise to return has to do with fulfilling all the Fall Festivals of the Israelites.....First is Rosh Hashana--the Biblical Feast of Trumpets, sounding the alarm calling all believers to enter into repentance. Secondly, is Yom Kippur, also called the Day of Atonement or the Day of the "Great Judgement" which will seal all who will live in the next year--those who will die in this next year, and those who are in the valley of decision. Thirdly, is the Feast of Sukkot, or the Biblical Feast of Tabernacles, where Jewish and Christian believers from all over the world dwell outside for 8 days, taking all meals outside, which is a mirror of what Christians call the "Marriage Supper of the Lamb." Forth, is the Festival called "Simchat Torah" or the "Joy of receiving the Torah: God's Teaching and Instructions" which is the Word of God--Jesus Christ!

Jesus will return with the mighty blast of the Rams Horn called a "Shofar"--the Feast of Rosh Hashana. He will judge all who have not called upon His Name to be saved and will save those who have--the Day of Atonement. When Jesus sets up His millennial Kingdom--this is Sukkot--God dwelling in a Tabernacle with His people while having celebratory meals. Lastly, when Jesus returns for His Bride, it will be the Most Joyous return of the living Word of God--Jesus Christ.

Now I could take time to prove from Genesis to Revelation what I am going to say here--but for time I will be brief. The fulfillment of the rebirth of the Nation of Israel and it's inhabitation by the Jewish people and Christian people, started the final prophetic clock. The Bible says that one generation will not pass from the rebirth of Israel until ALL THINGS are made complete........this includes the Fall Festivals being kept by Yeshua. The clock began in 1948 and will not be a day longer than 7o please do the math, 1948--plus 70 years [the time of one generation] guess it..........2018.

Now if the final macro [large] time period is a mandatory 10 years, mirroring the 10 days of Awe, then this means that the beginning of the end of days as we know them today has begun with Rosh Hashana in 2008--meaning some 9 days ago. and this means that in just 3 and one half short years, there will be a war--or financial drought of Epic proportions.....which is what we see happening now all over the global economic crisis. French President Nicholas Sarkosy has already publicly stated that "from this crash--a new world order will appear." [See the Drudge Report, October 8th, 2008] A new world order?? Is that not the rally cry of the Anti-christ spirit? Of course it is.

Today there is great fear, depression and unrest, and whoever comes up with the plan to "save the world" will be someone who is the anti-one chosen to lie about saving the world, when he has no intention to do anything but destroy. Whoever solves this crisis will be someone that the WHOLE WORLD will admire.....and will be willing to follow. Now insert Putin in Russia, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in Iran, Syria, Jordan, Iraq, Pakistan, India, Turkey and little old Israel; and what you have is the War of Gog and Magog that will most likely be the last true World War.

It is prophesied tat 2/3rd's of Israel's inhabitants will be killed in this epic battle; and there will be a Man who will rise up from the ashes of world conflict to bring all nations to "Peace and Safety;" a period to last 3 and one half years in which the 3rd Temple will be rebuilt right beside the Muslim Mosque [God Forbid] and Jerusalem will be names as an "International City" where all Nations will put their foreign Embassies. Be aware that this is the Bush Doctrine, the Obama Doctrine and the McCain Doctrine in Israel.

Sacrifices will once again be offered in the Third Temple--in violation of the Scripture--which says "Do not make offerings anywhere you please--but only in the place where I CHOOSE TO PUT MY NAME say the Lord." God has chosen to put His Name in Human Temples of the living God.....but the pressure for peace and the lure of prosperity will allow it to happen.....but why---what would be the lure of prosperity--when we are told this bail-out will work and that bailout will work--but it does not. ONLY a Man who restored prosperity BEFORE, one who has the trust of the free market system.....will have the ability to garner that kind of faith from a cynical and jaded public.

Whoever solves this economic crisis--for the reasons that I have argued above, will most likely be the beast that rise to power--that we call the Anti-christ......the one who promises salvation but instead brings destruction of the 3rd Temple in just 6 short years from now. This is all laid out in the story of Joseph in the Bible--His Brothers thought He was dead--but He was not--just like Jesus. He went into Prison--just like Jesus went into Death, Hell and the Grave...and Then He rose to be the 2nd in charge of all the Good Pharaoh's property.....and much later another Pharaoh rose to power--just like the antichrist will rise to power, and will begin to place people in "slavery" to fear, abandonment, the economy.....then God will raise up a Moses--one drawn out of "water" or "out of the sea"--which is a Hebraic idiom for "people groupings and groups of people"--meaning from among the lead captivity captive.

The new Pharaoh--whoever solves this financial crisis which seems unimaginable......will chase after the Moses figures--those who have put on Christ......but the weight of the Sea (again--"people groups and groups of people") which was separated...which is a picture of the Biblical House of Judah or the Jewish People today and the Biblical House of Israel which are the Christians today, which is described in Ezekiel 37:15-28........our reunion will bring an end to the wicked Pharaoh....the Antichrist. I think you can see that all things are in now you know what you are looking at and perhaps what is happening.

Will this all take place? only God knows for certain--but I do guarantee you that many of these things I have illustrated will surely come to watch and pray and rejoice for our salvation has never been closer. "FEAR NOT LITTLE FLOCK, FOR I HAVE OVERCOME THE WORLD" saith Jesus Christ of Nazareth--and He also said constantly DO NOT BE AFRAID-FOR IT IS "I" --the Holy One of Israel, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, who has overcome the world--and he also promised to "NEVER LEAVE YOU OR FORSAKE YOU--EVEN TO THE END OF DAYS!!"

Be watching................

Pastor Ariel

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