Ariel Ehrmantrout(C) 2009 HRI
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I was meditating on the fact that Sin has a "Communal," meaning that it had to be that every sin negatively effects the Jewish community in which I live. It tears at the fabric of the Jewish Community where I may or may not be sinning; whether openly like "Korah" in his open rebellion or in my mind--allowing thoughts to linger that I know should not be taking place. However, one thing is certain: that the wages of Sin is DEATH--and that realm of death is in our community when Sin is Communally Present. BUT then if SIN is COMMUNAL--HOW MUCH MORE THEN (val chomer argument…which is the ways Rabbi's say "If that's true then how much more so…..should this be true) must SALVATION MEAN ENTRANCE INTO THE COMMUNAL AS WELL???? The COMMUNITY OF ISRAEL?????
So would it also not reason--that if "Sin" which God hates--is Communal--then Obedience that manifests as a result of our Salvation is NOT personal in as much as we have been led to you think; but that Salvation which might start with the "Personal Choice" to respond to YHWH's choosing, as making "Teshuva" or "Repent" is not a private or personal thought. To the Jewish mind, "Teshuva" is not a thought in and of itself; however it is a thought that acts like a spark which ignites a raging flame of 'Positive" and "Good Mitzvot" done to repair the world in which I live.
Think about this--if you make "Teshuva" that means you "Turn Around and Go The Other Way!" What "Other Way?" As there is only ONE WAY and Yeshua lived it out for us --then to TRULY MAKE "TESHUVA" is to become a Member in good standing of the COMMUNAL AS WELL?? (The Jewish People and the Nation of Israel). If Sin is considered "Communal" but holds certain negative consequences--like being "Karet" for ignoring the Sabbath--which means being "Cut Out" or "Karet" of the Israeli people--then how much greater does "Salvation" or "Deliverance" mean to become a part of the "Jewish people" and Israeli way of life which comes with THE BLESSING of Abraham as it manifests as Communal to the blessing of your being added to the Jewish people by the engrafting against nature as Paul said.
Besides, just think about this--the thought that you can "accept" the "Jewish Messiah" and that by accepting the "Jewish Messiah" you become a complete and totally different and foreign religion called a "Gentile Christian" that the "Jewish Messiah" neither ever lived nor did he ever authorize; and only in this world could you claim to be "Grafted In" to the "Natural Olive Tree" and that because of this trust in the "Jewish Messiah" that you are any other faith on this planet OTHER THAN Jewish like Yeshua is an absolutely unbelievable.
However--the thing you have to remember most is that since Sin and Obedience are both opposite ends of the continuum of this argument--safe to say that UNLESS you are gathered in by the Holy Spirit--warts and all--to a permanent membership through Abraham's Covenant to the Am Israel (the People of Israel.) SO--just like those who are lost at the worshipping of the "Golden Calf: the Eigel"--and a plague breaks out that kills the rebellious--in a display of the Communal reward for Lawlessness; one could safely say that UNLESS you are 1st covered by the blood of the Lamb, and cleansed by the 3 fold T'Villah Baptism of Jewish Conversion: found among the "Mikvah Service," and that to the Jewish Faith of the One who called us--then we cannot be completely saved until the end.. This is why the Apostle Paul was SO concerned about "Fighting the good fight" and "finishing the race" and other comments like that...because the "out gathering is here and its into Israel--and the ingathering either happens at deaths transition to freedom living in YHWH's presence--or we will be changed in the twinkling of an eye to reign with Messiah during the Millennial Kingdom from Israel.
It makes no difference if you were born as a Jew, or a Greek, a Slave or Free, Woman or Man, Black or White; if you are not BORN AGAIN to the RENEWED STATUS OF NATIVE BORN JEW/ISRAELITE and away from the PAGAN GENTILE WAYS OF THE NATIONS...... then you have no bridge FOR entering into the lifestyle of the SAVED--the Apple of YHWH's Eye which is the Jewish People. Most people miss this because they do not understand that SIN and OBEDIENCE ARE BOTH SIGNS OF A COMMUNITY OF BELIEVERS. ONE GROUP BRINGS DEATH BY SIN TO ALL THOSE AROUND US--and the other, LIFE, FREEDOM, FAMILY, AND A SHARED HERITAGE THAT WAS UNATTAINABLE BY ANY OTHER MEANS; not the least of which is physical circumcision as a means of entrance.
YES SIN IS COMMUNAL--so please do not do it. BUT, TO OBEY THE TORAH IS LIFE and ENTRANCE INTO ISRAEL!! Now, we must go and live like it.
Ariel Ehrmantrout